“What if you could forget about your appearance and focus on your experience?”
You need a GOOD PLAN that includes Accountability and Mindset Coaching. That's why I have teamed up with two powerhouse personal trainers and motivators Danny Vega and Melissa Hazen to bring you all of this and more in a group coaching program!
You get all of the expertise and coaching for FREE (a minimum $4000 value). The only requirement to join this challenge is that you must be willing to use a hormone signaling supplement for 8 weeks.
The supplement we are using has been proven ALREADY to decrease leptin & increase adiponectin, two key hormones that, when not at the right levels, can seriously hamper fat loss. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, this two-ingredient double-patented product was shown to significantly decrease leptin & more than double adiponectin. This led to an average weight loss of 20.2 lbs compared to 9.2 lbs in the placebo group, and an average pure fat loss of 21.3 lbs in overweight women compared to 10.8 lbs in the placebo group. So many of us have tried several approaches with little success, and we believe this could be a major factor sabotaging those results.
Dr. Rimka has access to a small beta test of her own right now with about 200 users, and the feedback she has been receiving is nothing short of remarkable. Everyone is losing weight, but the most important feedback to her has been the emotional response. She was simply not expecting to hear things like, “I can’t believe how I feel. I have never felt freedom around food before. I’ve had an eating disorder for 30 years, and I finally feel peaceful when it comes to eating, maybe for the first time in my life. And, the weight is just coming off!"
Purchase a 2 or 4 pack at checkout. A 2 month supply costs $260 or a 4 month supply (or 2 person supply) costs $500. The company is so confident in the results, that they offer a 60 day money back guarantee. Please note, most of the weight loss happens in the second month and the longer you are on the product, the more your results increase.
- Why do we need to pay a $50 subscription and what is it for?
Your $50 allows you access to a Member Referral program. You will receive your own REFERRAL CODE to share with friends and family if you desire. This will earn you a small referral fee that counts as income. Membership includes access to mindset programs, workout videos, exercise tips, dietary tips, health coaching, and other DIY activities that will help you become healthier. Not only that, you get a $25 discount per bottle on your first 2 bottle minimum purchase and succeeding orders.
- Why do you need my SSN?
The income from the Member Referral Reward Program counts as taxable income to the IRS, so it is the tax goonies that require this, not us. Rest assured that we don’t see your SSN. But hey, this does afford you a lot of tax write-offs actually!
Wait, you've already ordered and you need to know the next step? Learn here about how to get into the Facebook Group now.
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